Announcement: the Yellow Collective Membership Opens Up Next Week!

Yes, you read that title right. Today is a special day where we get to “officially” announce… Yellow Collective memberships open back up NEXT WEDNESDAY, March 15th (also the same day the new Beauty and the Beast comes out - #bestdayever)! That’s right! Get excited ladies.

We open up the membership once a quarter and keep it open for 2 weeks. Once a quarter is only 4 times a year… so this is kind of a big deal.


If you’d like more info on The Yellow Collective and what it’s all about, click here to hop on our interest list and we’ll send you a few emails over the next few weeks about the Collective and when we’ve opened up.

If you’ve hung out around this little internet space of ours for awhile, you may have seen us mention The Yellow Collective once or twice. Maybe you’re an expert and a current member of the Collective, or maybe you’re here for the first time and you’re new to it all.

Expert or newbie, we have some really exciting and brand new things launching this upcoming quarter for the Collective that you won’t want to miss out on hearing about.

Our email list friends will get all the info before anyone, so be sure to hop on that list this week!

To sum it up, The Yellow Collective is a membership platform for creative, risk taking women who want to make this world a better place. That means YOU!

The All-Access Membership comes with…

• A quarterly package with some goodies delivered to your door.

• Digital resources to help you stay inspired and grow in your entrepreneurial journey.

• The raddest community of supportive, risk-taking women.

We are launching some cool new things within the Collective this upcoming quarter to give more women access to what we’re doing. Want to hear more?


Hope you have a wonderful start to your week ladies. Enjoy it, embrace it, and whatever this Monday throws at you, don’t forget that you totally GOT THIS.

Joanna Waterfall

Founder at Yellow Co.

Joanna is the founder of the Yellow Conference, a gathering for creative, entrepreneurial minded women to be equipped, inspired, and connected for the greater good. She lives in the Los Angeles area with her hubs and cat, loves coffee, and sometimes goes days without washing her hair.