What We Can Learn from Social Change Campaigns

business-792113_1280The Internet has its good days and it’s bad days. When it comes to social movements that create change and advocate justice - it’s a good day.

We all can instantly recognize and recall the days when social campaigns takeover your timeline and newsfeed. Sometimes you can’t help but jump on the bandwagon, other times you might find yourself writing it off. Before you do, really take time to look into the movement and see what it’s based on. It might relate to you more than you think.

Remember The Ice Bucket Challenge, to raise money for ALS, Red Nose Day, which brought awareness to poverty by using the power of media and celebrities, or the END IT Movement, that shines a light on slavery and human trafficking. Other organizations like charity: water allow you to create your own campaign to raise money to give clean water to people across the globe.

All of these movements make a social statement and take a stand on an issue that needs to be talked about more. Social media works wonders when it comes to spreading causes + missions, with hopes that others will join in.

If you’re a small business, a non-profit or someone looking to create change with a powerful movement, here are a few things we can learn from these successful campaigns.

  1. Make your message personal

How does this mission relate to you? Tell your story, and let people understand why you are passionate about it - and how they can relate as well. This is your first move when starting a campaign. Help others understand the ‘why’ behind what you’re doing.

  1. Create a Hashtag and/or Trademark of the Campaign

For spreading the movement across all social platforms (and for tracking purposes), you want to create a hashtag or trademark that is short, memorable and bold. The #ENDITMovement’s trademark is a red ‘X,’ that is recognizable to anyone who knows about the campaign. This instantly creates an online community and brings people together who are passionate about your cause. Follow and connect with those who are joining you and then find ways to connect with them offline.

Social media can create change. Whether you’re an entrepreneur who wants to use your gifts and talents for good or you’re a natural born activist with a creative flair, find and advocate for causes that fight to make the world a better place.Appeal to key influencers in your network or on a national scale

Reach out to those who have a large social following and find those who are already activists about your mission. These influencers will help spread the word and will introduce your mission to their network. If you don’t know those individuals personally, tag them in your posts, or shoot them an introductory email explaining your cause.

  1. Educate creatively

The best way to start a campaign from scratch is by educating those on the information already published before you have your voice and platform. Whether it’s from your key influencers or from others who have experienced first-hand, show their content and get a blog or website started with these stories. Then once your community understands what cause you are fighting for, show them how they can join in, what hashtag or trademark to use and watch your community grow. Your movement has started.

Social media can create change. Whether you’re an entrepreneur who wants to use your gifts and talents for good or you’re a natural born activist with a creative flair, find and advocate for causes that fight to make the world a better place.

Have you seen any campaigns that resonated with you lately? Let us know in the comments below.

Sarah Heyl

Founder at SH Digital