The Yellow Blog's Next Series: Tribe

The Yellow Blog: Tribe SeriesMy sisters are my best friends\ And they have been since the moment we figured out\ that we’re sort of stuck with one another

We would have moments where we we’re just so in love\ We would cuddle and tease\ Laugh and share ridiculous stories

And then we would have moments\ where my father would tell us to go put on our tae-kwon-doe uniforms\ and spar out our bickering

We never did,

but the foolishness of us fighting one another\ in all white uniforms and yellow belts,\ made us realize how silly our bickering really was

We are called to be sisters,\ sharing traveling pants and exchanging vulnerability\ Be encouragers and sideline cheerleaders in races we should never have to run alone

I’ve never been one of those women,\ who didn’t get along with other women\ Maybe it was because of my three sisters\ or because guys, to this day, still freak me out\ Or maybe its because my mother is also my soul sister\ and so I’ve always known, women keep me grounded;\ they are my lighthouses and my foundations

I met a friend once who told me upfront that she didn’t like me

This then lead into conversations of how hurt she’s been by women who did not see her value

She has carried these trust issues with her into every relationship

You see, we as women, have this tendency to compare our stories to each other like a horrible game of what’s missing

We pick and pull at our lives wondering what’s wrong with them when they don’t match up to the perfect mom or housewife or party planner or the girl that everyone seems to want

We let comparison separate us instead of celebrating differences

I think, what we need is more people to tell us when to spar it out\ When to show us that we were never meant to tear down or fight

We are called to live in harmony with one another\ And lift each other up,\ We are called to be sisters,\ sharing traveling pants and exchanging vulnerability\ Be encouragers and sideline cheerleaders in races we should never have to run alone

We need someone to tell us sometimes,\ You’re not a horrible mother, or daughter or sister or student

It’s okay if you’re a frazzled hot mess right now

You don’t have to have it all together

Imagine what life would be like,\ if we knew the power of change tucked into each of our frames\ Because I don’t know if you know this…

but women are pretty freaking awesome

We are family pillars and open windows, we are life givers and hard lovers\ We are strong, eclectic masterpieces of so many stories

We are Rory and Loreli

And Ruth and Naomi

Where you lead I will follow\ **Anywhere, that you tell me to\ **If you need, if you need me to be with you\ **I will follow,\ **Where you lead

We need someone to tell us sometimes,\ _You’re not a horrible mother, or daughter or sister or student\ _It’s okay if you’re a frazzled hot mess right now

We are the hospital hands when uncertainty knocks\ And casseroles on door steps\ We were never supposed to do this alone\ We were always meant to guide the other home,\ leave the light on when it takes a little while

Maybe if we promised to do better, to extend more patience\ So i’ll start

I promise to be the one who lies next to you when you’re convinced everything in this world is against you

I will volunteer as tribute whenever your name is placed in raffle for a dangerous game

I will fight, just for you

I will hurt just for you

Remind you of your strength in the moments you are weak

And to be the one who sows your cape when it’s tattered

I will pray and love you, unconditionally

And I will leave the light on, as long as you need

You’ll always have a home here,\ Please know that….you’ll always have a home here

Photo by Whitney Schey

Arielle Estoria

Arielle ​Estoria is a Writer, Speaker and Creative. Her motto of “Words not for the ears but for the soul” stemming from her belief that words are meant to be felt and not just heard. Arielle’s first EP of music and poetry called Symphony of a Lioness is available on iTunes. She is co-author of two poetry collections: Vagabonds and Zealots (2014) and Write Bloody Spill Pretty (2017). She is made of sass and good intentions and has a deep love for car karaoke and brunch.