A Day in the Life: with Sally Kim

day in the life with sally kimSo, I’m going to start by telling you this day did not go according to plan. I had big dreams, people! Grabbing coffee and going to the flower market with a galpal, working on the blog…you know, fun stuff that makes your life look a little more exciting when you document it for your readers. Well, reality kicked the door open in the form of a gnarly fever and flu on my hardworking husband. So all plans were interrupted with the need to nurse and transport and, well, show you a real glimpse into this beautifully ordinary wife/pregnant mommy/mister (my husband and I fost-adopted my teen half-brother last February…see here to understand what I mean…) of a life…and I realized at the end, I don’t think I would have it any other way. Cheers to authenticity, friends…

I start off my day with this…someone’s gotta do it, people!

Sally Kim Day in the Life

I mean…seriously, boys? 

Sally Day in the Life

Fridays are my favorite days. Will (my hot hubs) and I both take the day to decompress from the week and connect through some kind of adventure-by adventure I mean a coffee shop and good book together. We rest, refuel, and spend rich time together so that we’re prepared for the weekend. He also usually cooks me some kind of delicious breakfast in bed these mornings, because we have time (cinnamon rolls+bacon are totally my pregnancy jam right now)-but since Will came home with a high fever last night, looks like it’s up to Nurse Sally to bring him some protein!

Sally Kim Day in the Life

While the bacon is cooking, I take some time to enjoy the quiet. Light a candle, grab my books and journal, and just sit and rest from the hustle of the week. I always feel pressure to be that woman/wife/mom that can do this every morning…but it’s just not realistic for my energy level right now. So I cherish the moments I get this time…

Sally Kim Day in the Life

Fridays are my day to get “mom” organized. Doctor’s appointments, scheduling driving school, budgeting, meal planning…It sets my mind at ease for the rest of the week. 

Sally Kim Day in the Life

Then I semi-get ready for the day so I can run to the grocery store…look how cute my poor sick husband is…

Sally Kim Day in the LIfe

Before I go anywhere, I fill up my mason jar with water. 64 oz a day for this pregnant lady!

Day in the Life with Sally Kim

Grocery store time! Crockpot buffalo chicken sandwiches are a win in our home. I can still get house and blog work done while making dinner at the same time!

day in the life sally kim

Okay food is in the crockpot, Will’s resting, and the washer is all loaded up…it’s finally my favorite part of the day–my time. Just me, my computer, and my Yellow to-do list consisting of bloggers to check out, emails to respond to, and editing posts…bliss. Sheer bliss…

sally day in the life yellow conference

Welp, that lasted 10 minutes. Our teen (we call him Young Buck) got out of football practice early, and since Will is bedridden, it’s up to me to pick him up…bliss will have to wait [sigh]…

sally kim day in the life

Next up, do a quick “freshen up” for a meeting with an amazing girl I used to mentor. A future speaking engagement on the horizon! Please note the three other outfits I had to try on before choosing…and…I’m not a selfies kind of person so…here you go: 

day in the life with sally kim

But before I left, some adorable mail-surprise made it to our doorstep from a sweet friend in Portland!

Day in the Life with Sally Kim

After my meeting, we ended up dropping off Young Buck at a basketball game and then friend’s house for a sleepover…I’m finally home with some cuddle and Grey’s Anatomy time (our latest Netflix obsession…but my husband doesn’t want anyone to know so keep it between you and me), before passing out. 


This day did not go according to plan. I had work to catch up on over the weekend, and didn’t get the time I look forward to every week-time for me and my hubs, time for me and myself, and time for me and the blog, but…it’s ok, because the reality is…well, this is life! And even in the hustle and bustle, it was still a beautiful and rich day. And I need to live in an interruptible manner to get through this life. Living with an interruptible focus will show you where you’re needed most; where you’re heart and hands and gifts need to be used outside of your own agenda.

Sally Kim

Sally is a wife to one and momma bird to five-it’s a good story. Well crafted Vanilla Lattes and gram-worthy coffee shops are her love language. When not mommying, you can find her editing for her client friends or writing on her blog, Letters From A Mister.