I’m sure you have a few people in your feed who’s Insta-life just makes you want to curl up in a ball and cry in self pity. Anyone else? With the life-curation that comes with social media, there are some people out there who just make you forget that they’re human. You take one look at that mom with the great bod, 2 perfectly styled children who have just completed a happy day of baking and you think, “Wow, it’s 3pm, I’m in yoga pants, I’ve had 3 cups of coffee (WITH heavy cream and sugar) my inbox is out of control, and I haven’t washed my hair in 3 days. Where did I go wrong??!”
We also know those feeds that fall on the other side of the spectrum. The over-sharers. The ones you just feel bad for because everything they post comes off negative and complain-y. It doesn’t make you feel good, it makes you feel sad and bad about life in general.
Then you stumble upon those gems. The ones that have beautiful, creative and artistic feeds, but approaches it in a way that still allows you to see their humanity. They’re not over-sharing about their personal problems or how hard life is, but they’re not pretending to be perfect either.
It’s a fine balance, the authentic Instagram feed- one that we will all be questioning and searching for the formula as long as we keep posting on this addicting platform.
To help you out fill your followers with more balanced grammers, I’ve collected five of my favorite down-to-earth (and inspiring) feeds. These women do take beautiful photos, but they do it in a way that makes them feel relatable, human, like they’re in this life with us, instead of untouchable.
1. [Kristin Rodgers | @kristinrodgers](http://instagram.com/kristinrogers/) |
[caption id=”attachment_1791” align=”alignleft” width=”700”]](http://instagram.com/kristinrogers/) I tried to get a cute pic with some of our critters but it ended up being a hot mess…[/caption]
Kristin is a photographer, so naturally, she takes beautiful photos. What I love about Kristin is she’s totally open about the way she does life on the daily. Not hiding the struggles, hard days or stuffy noses. Having two completely adorable young daughters and a house full of critters can get messy! But Kristin doesn’t complain or whine- rather just tells it like it is, in a positive, thankful, and even magical manner.
2. [Caitlin Crosby | @caitlincrosby](http://instagram.com/caitlincrosby/) |
[caption id=”attachment_1801” align=”alignleft” width=”700”]](http://instagram.com/caitlincrosby) After an entire serious conversation with @colinbenward I definitely forgot that I had put a tiny piece of toilet paper over the pimple I just picked. #marriedlife @loveyourflawz #loveyourflawz[/caption]
Caitlin is the Founder of The Giving Keys, a singer and a songwriter. She’s totally gorgeous, running a quickly growing company, and doing amazing, world-changing things in the world. She could easily put on a front and pretend her life is perfect. But what I love about her is she’s not afraid to show us that she’s human. Zit-picking and everything. I’m a fan. (She also spoke at Yellow Conference last year, so she has scored some points with us.)
3. [Lily Stockman | @lilystockman](http://instagram.com/lilystockman/) |
[caption id=”attachment_1806” align=”alignleft” width=”700”]](http://instagram.com/lilystockman/) Dawlz creepin in the #saladfingers again.[/caption]
Lily Stockman is a painter and the Co-Founder of BlockShop Textiles. She spends her life going back and forth between LA and Joshua Tree. Lily’s feed is filled with colorful snapshots of her paintings, adorable pup, family, and day to day travels. With witty captions and a clever use of emojies, Lily is super talented- but doesn’t take herself too seriously. She’s passionate about craft and her relationships, and it shines through her feed in a completely non “look at me and my perfect life” kind of way. Lily- we like you.
4. Kelsey Lemonhead | @sheinthemaking |
[caption id=”attachment_1804” align=”alignleft” width=”700”]](http://instagram.com/sheinthemaking/) “Do you ladies need any help finding anything?” “Nope, just taking a photo in your mirror” *cue laughter due to my awkward response* Also, Victoria has the best hair.[/caption]
Kelsey Lemons is a young photographer, letterer, and blogger. She’s completely adorable-her feed allows you to take a peek into her heart and see what a true artist she is. Her smile and positivity is contagious, genuine and totally authentic. If you’re having a bad day, just scroll through Kelsey’s feed and her joy is sure to rub off on you, in a totally non-superior, real way.
5. [Joy The Baker | @joythebaker](http://instagram.com/joythebaker/) |
[caption id=”attachment_1813” align=”alignleft” width=”700”]](http://instagram.com/joythebaker/) Don’t worry. I’m definitely NOT making my own cat toys. That would be ridiculous.[/caption]
Joy has been one of my favorite bloggers for a while. Her writing style and humor make me feel like she just gets me. She’s an amazing baker, has one of the top baking blogs, has written and published three cookbooks, yet she still allows us to see how human she is. She’s not an over-sharer, but is not fake either. Joy asks her audience cooking questions, makes fun of herself with the #humblebrag, and has made her cat the star of her feed. Joy, I want to hang out with you over cupcakes and coffee, while letting our cats have a playdate. Cool? Cool.